Tag: equipment

1 May 29, 2014

If you think a person is seriously involved in riding, it is important to buy the right equipment. Its main role is not to look good, but to you feel comfortable and in many cases, it will prevent you from getting injured. We will try to help you in choosing, even with specific references to products that are checked.

The obligatory elements that a rider needs is the following:

  • Riding helmet
  • Wedge (Brich)
  • Chaps
  • Riding boots
  • Here are things that are not mandatory, but are very desirable if you do not think this is a one-time enthusiasm:
  • Gloves
  • Protector for back
  • Horsewhip
  • Spurs
  • Required accessories:
  • Riding helmet – I do not think I need to explain the importance of this attribute.

In our base come people who underestimate the importance of it. We only say a little in the mane or go riding tied to a caravan claiming, “It’s not scary we are tied to you,” and even scarier is when they are ready to put their own child Pony or horse without a helmet. Using a foreign helmet is justifiable if you are only on a one-time basis, but if you choose to practice this sport, you rarely have a personal helmet. Because of the importance of the helmet, it will pay attention to the important things of her choice.

The first thing you need to look at inside of the helmet should be the standard that covers it. The most common standard is SNELL E2001, other positives of standards are PAS015: 2011, the VG1 01.040 2014-12 and ASTM F1163: 04a

A helmet consists of the following parts:

  •  Plastic wrapper
  • stiriophor
  • the last layer of textile

How to find out if the helmet is right for you:

Measure the head as small as 13 mm above the eyebrows, screw the tip of the ears and move it to the fullest part of the head, find the fullest part of the head.

Choose a helmet in this range of sizes

(Remember that when placing styles with multiple pads and fewer holes, you may need a larger size than the dimension you want.)

Set the helmet to about 13 mm. Over the eyebrows. Push down until it is in the correct head position. You should be able to feel the top of the helmet on the top of your head. If not, the helmet may be too small for your skull, so repeat the previous steps with the next size up.

Carefully move the helmet, the front of the helmet should fit nicely.

Check the space at the back of the cartridge. There may be a little space here that is not as critical as the front area. Too much cling is not recommended.

Adjust the straps on the straps. Start with the front strap, ensuring a tight fit under the chin. (Never on your chin). Then adjust the rear tape.

(These two fasteners are there to ensure that the hat/skull that you mount does not fall and also holds it in the correct head position while riding).

Helmets can be different in appearance:

  1.  Klin (Brich) – Riding pants have their own specifics. They are made of sturdy cloth, which completely envelopes the legs, they are compacted on the seat and calf and must be elastic.
  2. Chapps – They can be made of cloth or fur, wrap around the leg and calf, grip the zipper, and sneak under the shoe sole. Their task is to protect against rubbing from the inside of the leg.
  3. Riding Shoes – Very often people overlook the importance of comfortable riding shoes, even using sneakers. Riding boots are two main types of boots and boots, they can be made of genuine leather or synthetic leather. They should have a non-large current of about 2 cm. When using boots, it is not necessary to use pockets, but their disadvantage is the harder shoe and wobble. Boots are easier to train and lift, but they require the use of chaps

These are the things that are mandatory, and now we will talk about the accessories that are not obligatory, but create convenience.

Recommended accessories:

Gloves can be enjoyed both summer and winter, their primary role is to protect the skin from friction, to better contact and manage the horse, to protect from dirt and cold.

The summer gloves are made of thinner leather with ventilation openings.

Winter gloves are longer than thicker skin to better protect from cold and wind.

Back Protector – Riding is a sport where there is a serious risk of injury, especially when one wants to deal seriously, so every opportunity for additional protection is welcome. The horse is an animal that has its fears in riding in nature, it is startled by the many things you may encounter. It may seem ridiculous to you, but even a nylon rustling nylon bag may cause the front legs to lift and cause your fall and here your back protector can greatly help you. There are many other reasons why you can get on the ground.

There are different options for the budget you are ready for departments, I will show you the two most common.

Plastic variant – this is a more budget option, it is made entirely of plastic, and these are models that are used by motorcyclists. This option is suitable for beginner riders. They are more inconvenient, the body is more difficult to maneuver, and heavier.

The most common are gloves with drunk gel, which is covered with cloth. The advantages are that they are relatively light and comfortable in the winter and summer seasons and are suitable for both adults and children. The disadvantage is, as with plastic ones, that they are bulky and leave the feeling that you are limited in the movement of the body.

In recent years, air jackets have come in, they are like a simple vest that has a hatched air cartridge, and he is hooked to the saddle. If an accident occurs, fall off the cartridge releases the air from the cartridge and the vest is inflated instantly. The main advantage is that you ride without feeling extra load, you have the feeling that you are cloudy with an ordinary but you are at the same time safe. Its main disadvantage is the price, quite expensive.

The chopstick is a stick that invites the horse.

Spurs are an element of the advanced rider’s equipment, they can do a lot to a beginner rider even if they are dangerous. An improper movement with them can injure the horse, and he is urged by his natural self-preservation instinct to run into a gallop, which would lead to unplanned behavior and consequent consequences.